Turgid waves thick with oil and muck
shrink wrapped in plastic
matted rafts blocked the light
as mobile dead zones spreading across the seas.
As man took, and took
and took some more
so, all that was left was to harvest death.
Until at last, all become just one large liquid tomb,
as Earth’s cradle of life
was a coffin made.
The wind howled and raged
over this dead, ocean grave,
as Gods cries of anguish and of pain
filled the air, with his despair.
As he looked down at what he made
that, was no longer there.
No fishy life small or large
and sea birds long gone, and rotten.
Just plastic tangled matts of loss
as, Gods tears fell in the waves
and filled the sea with his pain, and rage.
Until, it overflowed the land
and flooded all the earth,
laying waste to all beneath
as years, and years, fled and ran.
But there was no return of man,
the plastic waste the only sign
of once life lived, on this planet
destroyed, by man.
